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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Tips to Prevent Common Causes of Fires in Downtown Chicago?

6/4/2024 (Permalink)

A person uses a fire extinguisher to put out a fire in a kitchen. We are trained and certified to restore fire damage in Downtown Chicago.

Our SERVPRO of Downtown Chicago/Team Zubricki is a trusted leader in fire damage restoration services. Safeguarding our homes against the threat of fires is important to us all. Here are some tips for preventing fire damage:

Cooking Safety: Never leave cooking unattended, especially when using stovetops or deep fryers. Keep flammable items like kitchen towels and curtains away from heat sources and use a timer to remind you of cooking times.

Heating System Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance for your heating systems, including furnaces, chimneys, and space heaters. Keep flammable materials at least three feet from heating equipment, and never leave heaters unattended.

Electrical Safety: Inspect electrical cords, outlets, and appliances regularly for signs of damage or wear. Avoid overloading circuits and use surge protectors for added safety. Consider upgrading older wiring systems to meet current safety standards.

Smoking Awareness: Do so outdoors and use designated ashtrays if you smoke. Never smoke in bed or when drowsy, and always ensure cigarettes are fully extinguished before disposal.

Candle Caution: Flameless LED candles are a safer alternative to traditional candles. Place real candles in sturdy holders on stable surfaces, away from flammable materials and drafts. Never leave candles burning unattended.

By implementing these fire prevention strategies and remaining vigilant, we can protect our families and properties from the devastating consequences of home fires.

Call Us Today!

SERVPRO of Downtown Chicago/Team Zubricki is Here to Help ® when you have fire damage in your Downtown Chicago home or commercial business. Call us today at 312-877-9937.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

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